National Beliefs

  The UK is in the early stages of a Global Energy War, which could last for a long time. We need to prepare for the next 5 years. THE PRICE CRISIS: We had a major problem even before the Ukraine war.  The growth in heavily subsidised renewable energy has led to over £10 billion […]

Covid 19 Our freedom is so precious, yet we have taken it for granted. Our freedom is so valuable, yet so vulnerable. The restrictions on our freedoms by the Government during the Covid pandemic amounted to a major erosion of our rights and civil liberties. Many people were affected in a lot of different ways […]

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Illegal Immigration   A responsible Government has a duty to protect our borders. We must know who is coming in and who is going out of the country at our airports and ports.  Let’s welcome those who have high level skills and talents that we need, such as doctors, engineers, software designers, scientists, surgeons,  in […]

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Reform UK is the only party that stands for cutting taxes and simplifying taxes to create higher growth, better wages and better healthcare. Reform UK will also oppose the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and all attempts to turn Britain into a cashless society.   EMERGENCY RECOVERY PLAN CREATES FASTER GROWTH — […]

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MP’s & The House of Commons   The trail of sleave and corruption from Westminster is constant and appears never ending,  It is clear to the British public that the current political establishment are desperately trying to win back the trust of being an elected servant of this great country like they have been used […]

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  Regardless of who is elected into office, civil servants are the cogs that run the country behind the scenes. In practice they spend much of their time convincing new MPs and Ministers why they can’t implement their manifesto pledges and presenting roadblocks to progress. The purpose of civil servants is to progress the aims […]

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  House of Lords Reform Reform the House of Lords Elected via Proportional Representation Accountable Second House   The House of Lords is in no way representative of the country. We need a second chamber that more accurately represents and reflects the views of the nation in order to provide checks and balances for the […]

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  For many years British households have been forced to pay for a TV license to subsidize an organisation in the BBC that according to the “Royal Charter” they are supposed to provide impartiality and balanced news broadcasting. The truth is, the BBC News and content has become increasingly steeped in politised left wing bias […]

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Democracy   The word democracy is from the Greek words “demos”, meaning people, and “kratos” meaning power, so democracy can be thought of as “power of the people” In the United Kingdom a system of government, typically through elected representatives is called “a system of parliamentary democracy” a way of governing which depends on the […]

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Foreign Policy Reduce the foreign aid budget by 50% still a generous 0.35% of GDP. Look to Deploy Manpower Instead of Money Stop Imposing our ‘Democracy’ on others – End the endless.   Foreign Aid   Amongst wasteful government spending, one of the greatest areas is effective foreign aid. Our civil servants struggle to give […]

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